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Two old friends, tea and biscuits

The consumption of tea has been common in Iran for at least 2 centuries and eating tea with biscuits goes back to the same area. Half a cup of tea and biscuits is nostalgia for all of us and brings us back to childhood memories.
Still drinking a cup of tea with a piece of pastry or biscuit is one of the best relaxations of our lives.
Eating this nostalgia may not be approved today because it causes hypoglycemia and weight gain, but it is needed for mental health and a return to childhood carefree.
When a harmful drink or food is declared that you consume it continuously and daily.
But if we look at it sometimes for the diversity of the soul, it will be very pleasant. Even thinking about how hard we tried not to let the biscuits fall into the tea. Maybe that was the only lovely focus of our childhood.
On a beautiful autumn evening, brew a meal and eat it with half an hour.
Do you choose biscuits, dates or chocolate?

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